Loft insulation
A quarter of a home’s heat is lost through the roof, which is why loft insulation makes such a difference.
Heating your home isn’t cheap, and with the price of gas, electricity and oil going up all the time, it seems to cost more every winter to stay warm. To save money you need to stop the heat escaping, and the best way to do this is to insulate your home. The better the insulation, the warmer you’ll feel and the more money you’ll save.
Even if you have some insulation in your loft you may need a top-up. The recommended depth for mineral wool insulation – the most common material – is 270mm (about 1ft), but there are other materials (usually more expensive) which require different depths.
Loft insulation is effective for at least 40 years, and it will pay for itself over and over again in that time. Plus there are grants available to help pay for professional insulation.
A quarter of a home’s heat is lost through the roof, which is why loft insulation makes such a difference. And if you save energy, you’ll be helping to tackle climate change, too.
Loft insulation is cheap and easy to install
Generally speaking, if your home has an accessible loft with no damp or condensation problems, it will be a good candidate for loft insulation. Mineral wool insulation can be bought in big rolls (also known as ‘blankets’ or ‘quilts’) from builders’ merchants or DIY stores. Laying this insulation is usually straightforward for a competent installer
For lofts with difficult access – e.g. small hatches and very little space – loft insulation blankets aren’t suitable. Instead a loose, fire-retardant insulation material is blown into the loft using specialist equipment. This is a job for a professional installer and can take a few hours depending on the size of the loft.
This is usually done by fitting rigid insulation boards or insulation foil between the roof rafters.
Contact our expert team to discuss a specific project or simply find out more about the wide range of services we offer.
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Wet n Warm Energy putting in the extra so you don’t have to.