No one likes to live in a draughty house. Apart from the discomfort, it’s a waste of money if the heat you have paid for is escaping through gaps in the house and being replaced by cold air from outside.
The good news is that draught proofing is affordable and effective . A small investment can go a long way to plugging those gaps and keeping a cosy home. You’ll stop wasting money on your heating bills, and cut down on your carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions too.
So, where do the draughts come from? Most houses, particularly old ones, have cracks and gaps through which warm air goes out and cold air blows in. all of these can be dealt with by a competent installer , such as the gaps between or around floorboards; around windows and doors; through the letterbox; where pipe work comes through external walls; around the loft hatch; and around electrical fittings.
Contact our expert team to discuss a specific project or simply find out more about the wide range of services we offer.
Call or mail us via the contact us page
Wet n Warm Energy putting in the extra so you don’t have to.